Meet the Therapist
At Therapy Utah, we’re invested in your healing process. When you come to us for help, you’ll be matched with a trained and licensed therapist whose methods and communication style provide the best possible support for you and your needs.
Mary Marsh, CSW
Trained In: EMDR
Specializations: Drug & Alcohol Addiction, Sexual Addiction Therapy, Betrayal Trauma Therapy
Works Mostly With: Young Adults (ages 18–28), Individuals (ages 18+), Couples
Languages: English
Client Testimonials:
“My experience with Mary Marsh as my therapist was in the context of healing from severe betrayal trauma due to my husband’s chronic sexual addiction. Mary Marsh is an extremely competent and understanding therapist who instinctively knows how to validate, support and help her clients in their healing journey. She goes the extra mile providing informational handouts to extend support outside the therapy session, which was very helpful. The only reason she is no longer my therapist is because she stopped her practice for a while and I had to find another therapist. I highly recommend her.”
~Aleta G.
Request an Intake Appointment with Mary
Core Values
We understand trauma, addiction, betrayal, and abuse
We are systemic in our process
We encourage feeling, communication, intimacy, and healthy attachments
Our Mission Statement
Inspiring our team and clients to be amazing
The History of Therapy Utah
Brannon Patrick and Kathy Kinghorn began their therapy careers in private practice over a decade ago, working with clients seeking help with sex addiction and betrayal. Since then, they’ve received the highest levels of training in both group and individual therapy work.
Five years ago, Brannon and Kathy started Therapy Utah to provide a deeper level of support for individuals, couples, families, and children seeking help with various challenges. They also developed the LIFT Program to create a unique and thriving community of support for people suffering from sex addiction and betrayal trauma.
Brannon also hosts the Real Talk Recovery podcast with his brother Tyler Patrick (the wandering therapist), providing accessible insights into relationships affected by addiction and betrayal. Before that, he hosted a similar podcast called The Betrayed, the Addicted, and The Expert for over four years, reaching listeners all over the web.
Kathy has a passion for educating professionals on sexual addiction and betrayal trauma. She has spoken at national and local conferences, and is a part-time instructor at The University of Kentucky. She’s also a field instructor for The University of Utah, and is on the advisory board for Sundance Academy. Kathy is also the author of The Long Road to Recovery, and hosts The Three Minute Therapist podcast. Kathy enjoys speaking engagements, and is available for events upon request.
Today, Therapy Utah provides in-person and online therapy services for a diverse range of clients in specially-designed facilities. We hire experienced, licensed therapists who specialize in specific modalities, provide detailed in-house training, and focus on matching every client with a therapist who will support their goals and needs effectively.
Our Culture
Find out what staff members have to say about working with us:
Work with Therapy Utah
Our people are the core of Therapy Utah’s success. By employing licensed therapists, providing specialized in-house training, and hiring the best support staff we can find, we invest in the success of our team and the clients we work with every day.
We’re always looking for compassionate, motivated, and organized members to join our thriving practice. Find more details on how to work with Therapy Utah below and browse current job postings.